In 2021, Taffy and I had the opportunity to appear on Sunrise with Sam Mac the weather man.  It was a good opportunity to give A Pony Named Taffy a plug on national television, and the real Taffy was such a good sport.

Sam has a cat called Coco who he’s always talking about , so I wrote a poem for his cat Coco. Here it is.

The Cat with the upside down smile

(June 2021)

Coco looked cranky, her face wore a frown,

And people assumed that meant she was down.

She’d fluff up her fur and try to look pretty, 

But people still asked, “What’s wrong with your kitty?” 

Was it Catra’s arrival which filled her with hate? 

Was she missing Sam, her good friend, and good mate?  

See he travels a lot to present Australians the weather, 

Which meant they were not always staying together.  

While he beams into lounge rooms on the big screen  

Just remember the Burmilla cat that got the cream, 

She lives the good life, full of sleep and good tucker, 

Sam’s the one working, for her, the sucker! 

He returns home to the apartment totally spent, 

While she swans into the Logies, or book launch event, 

She’s totally rested, she’s been luxuriating all day. 

A purr makes him weak. She knows how to play.  

Try and remember all that he’s done,  

Like the Coco tattoo, in front of his Mum. 

See it’s us who not reading her right,  

This is how she looks when she’s happy and bright, 

You’ll see those lips are holding a smile, 

Though finding it may take a while. 

In order to see what is not a frown, 

Simply turn Miss Coco upside down.  

Artwork and graphic design by Shanice Casey