At the start of the year a possum took up residence in our roof. It was very noisy and woke me up nearly every night until we managed to find someone to block up the hole. (Thanks Benn at 1800 Possums for solving that one!) But the kids thought it was fantastic and regularly left fruit for the possum, no wonder it didn’t want to move out.

18 Mar 2022

There’s a possum in the roof and it’s driving mummy mad,

It wakes her up at 4am, and she said that is bad.

It makes her extra grumpy, cause she’s losing lots of sleep.

But I have seen the possum and it’s one I’d like to keep.

I was snuggled up in bed when I heard its little song,

Its body kept the rhythm while his feet tap-tapped along.

As I pulled back the curtains it scampered down the tree,

And I think it must have noticed cause it stopped and stared at me.

I went into the kitchen and stuck some orange on a stick,

I put apple on another and took them out so it could pick.

And underneath the clear night sky, we said a quiet hello.

He surveyed me with nose and eyes, that furry little fellow.

The orange spilled out from his paw, juice dribbled from his chin,

And while I can’t be certain, I think he flashed a grin.

So I chopped up a fruit salad and left it on the deck,

I didn’t know he’d host a party and leave the place a wreck!

In the morning mum was furious, there were prints up and down the wall,

And I could just make out a pattern which read “Thanks I had a ball.”